The Top Ten Physical and Emotional Signs of Stress

People experience stress when there is an imbalance between the demands made of them and the resources they have available to cope with those demands.

Do you have any idea what STRESS is doing to your life and your body.

The Top Ten Physical Signs of Stress

1. Headache

2. Back and chest pain

3. Pounding heart

4. High blood pressure

5. Shortness of breath

6. Muscle aches

7. Stomach upset (constipation, diarrhea)

8. Sleep problems

9. Sex problems

10. Weight gain or loss

Stress affects us emotionally.

Top 10 Emotional Signs of Stress

1. Anxiety/worry

2. Restlessness

3. Depression

4. Job dissatisfaction

5. Resentment/guilt

6. Feeling overwhelmed

7. Seeing only the negative

8. Forgetfulness

9. Feeling on edge all the time

10. Irritability/Impatience

If you think stress can't create physiological changes in your skin, heart rate, digestion, joints, muscle energy levels, the hair on your head, and countless cells and systems think again. Stress has been discovered to be a major cause of premature aging of all of the above.

Under Stress Your Cortisol and Insulin Levels Raise.

When your body is under the stress response, your cortisol and insulin levels raise. These two hormones tend to track each other, and when your cortisol is consistently elevated under a chronic low-level stress response, you’ll likely notice that you have difficulty losing weight or building muscle.

Cortisol is sometimes called the stress hormone in the body. There are other reasons cortisol can be secreted into the bloodstream. Cortisol is secreted by the adrenal glands helps your body to have proper glucose metabolism, regulation of blood pressure, Insulin release for blood sugar maintenance and Immune function.

If you have too little cortisol, you may suffer from fatigue, chronic fatigue, exhaustion and a disease of the endocrine system called Addison's disease. If your adrenal glands are producing too much cortisol, you may develop conditions such as weight gain, especially around the abdomen, depressed immune function with all of the consequences, accelerated aging and stomach ulcers.

If your cortisol is chronically elevated you’ll tend to gain weight around your midsection. It’s been known for some time that body fat, and especially visceral fat which is the fat that gathers around your internal organs and around your midsection is a major contributing factor to developing diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

The destructive effect of high cortisol levels

What is cortisol? In its normal function, cortisol helps us meet these challenges by converting proteins into energy, releasing glycogen and counteracting inflammation. For a short time, that’s okay. But at sustained high levels, cortisol gradually tears your body down.

Under these physiological circumstances, your digestion completely shuts down. So a major problem with eating while your body is under the stress response is that you could be eating the healthiest food in the world, yet you won’t be able to fully digest and assimilate that food, and your body will not be able to burn calories effectively.

While under stress, your heart rate goes up, your blood pressure rises, and blood is shunted away from your midsection, going to your arms, legs, and head for quick thinking, fighting, or fleeing. It’s important not to eat under stress. When we do our body responds the opposite of how we need it to in order to digest, assimilate nutrients, and burn calories.

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